martes, 7 de julio de 2009


OH MY FUCKING EDWARD! (Edward Cullen of Twilight if you aren't a fan already, you'll soon be, mwehehehe)
Holly here! This is so fucking awesome! I just found THE conversation on a piece of paper that Emmie and I had last year, which indicates 'where it all begun'. We were 'talking' about how awesome would be to be a Jedi 'cause you could read and control minds and see in the dark, so you wouldn't need some kind of beeping sensor attatched to your body...anyhow, apparently we were in the most boring class ever at Uni, and Emmie wrote -and I quote: "I've just arrived to the conclusion that we DON'T delude, we philosophize. If these people said as much bullshit as us and now we must study them, in a near future people could study us and it would be more entertaining for sure!"
And, you wanna hear something mega freaky? This was written on a Friday the 13th (spooky) AND the very second I started to type this, my iTUNES decided to randomly play The Imperial March, Star Wars soundtrack :)
How fucking intergalacticly awesome is that, huh?

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