jueves, 2 de julio de 2009


Welcome to our joint lands, noble peasants!

We're Your Royal Majesties, Holly Lee Edwards and Emily Andrea Brimson -the first one in control of the typing almost permanently.

This blog will merely consist on posting writs, pics and vids of our daily random deluded lives. Feel free to contact us if you have any constructive criticism to share, it will be -definitely not- reasonably welcomed.

Be patient, we're both lazy and may not be posting quite often, but I can assure you, our Intergalactic Royal Delirium Sessions are so absolutely worth it -at least for us, if you are simply not interested in what two wallies have to say then don't bother on scrolling down.

Fare well, pretty people!

Yours sincerely, the Mega Royals,

Holly Lee Edwards & Emily Andrea Brimson

ps: vamos a hacer posts delirantes también en Spanish

1 comentario:

  1. definitivamente tocaron fondo
    lo leo y no lo creo
    m mori d risa leyendo estos delirios intergalacticos suyos
    m traen geniales recuerdos
    d todas maneras, es imperioso q nos reunamos a delirar x 4, xq convengamos q amerita un post en honor a los delirios en masa del cambaya team

    mis reverencias to the royalty
    miss fuckshow
